Dotharl Khaa


A lITTLE taste

Name: Rhoktua DotharlNickname: Rhoro / Snake Lady / Green one/ Witch of the SteppeAge: 28
Life Cycle: 8
Status: In-Relationship
Dotharl Khaa - Steppe
Summoner?- Snake Charmer - Posion specialist-AlchemistSin: Envy
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral


" Envy eats nothing, but its own heart."
" Do you really want to know?"


" No mercy, Right?"
"You just never saw it."
"I am Poison "


Born into the Dotharl tribe. She was recognized as Rhoktua. With the green eyes, that bore truth of this name. Her Mother Luyan -Dotharl?- and Father Baiktua -Dotharl- over joyed that their child was born in safety. For everyone knew the dreaded fate of Rhoktua. Rhoktua is on her 8th Cycle of life. In the past she was reborn as Males. Her first two lives she was actually female. She also had a Male twin. She has long forgotten about it. She is cursed by a voidsent, that is connected to her family.Dotharl Life: First cycle
Death at Age: 45
Cause of Death fighting a Oronir, both killing each other at the same time
Rhoktua Dotharl
Blade dancer
Poison specialist
Look- Silver white hair. Light blue skin, Green eyes
Story?: Married to Sadu Khan, fierce warrior that used dual blades. She was always at the frontline in every fight. Only needed a single scratch from her blades to kill her enemy. Her poisons were famous and despised. The Mankhad would even seek after her knowledge on poisons. She was called the Blue viper of Sadu. taking only commands from Sadu in a fight, and only his commands in the sheets as well. She was well known for being a dual fighter with her twin brother Dhokhu, the twin blades they were called together. Looking very much like her twin even in size.Second Cycle
Death at 28
Cause of Death unknown. Last seen with Cousin and Her Brother Dhokhu
When the curse began?
Third Cycle
Death at 32
Cause of Death fighting against Himaas with Cousin during a Nadaam.
Only just realized about the curse. His twin was not born.
Fourth Cycle
Death at 32
Cause of death eaten by Morbol with Cousin. Story: Attempting to get poisons, to reasearch, Baba taught him, that certain strong poisons, would stop the voidsents attacks through out his body. His twin was not born.
Fifth Cycle
Death at 11
Cause of Death Cousin died fighting.
Rhoks death was by rock slide
unable to research anything. Twin was not Born.
Sixth Cycle
Death at 17
Cause of Death Fighting the Mankhad of their Poison- Cousin died of same poison Twin was not born.
Seventh Cycle
Death at 76
Cause of Death Fighting for their life…. On the toilet - Cousin died of explosionLived outside the Tribe. Left a Cave and Notes for the next Rhoktua. Twin can not be found? Where has her soul gone?
Eighth Cycle Female
Death at - NA
Researched multiple of poisons. Gained the sight, learned only some magics. Has ability to communicate with snakes, poison manipulation, snake like features. Scales appeared different. They shifted too much. Is the curse the cause? Her twin was not born?!
Side note Head canon: because of the curse, the voidsent, memories would roll over into Rhoktua at a certain age, she would remember only bits and pieces. Though would only remember five life cycles before.
Why would one, contract with a Void?
When one searches for power, after already exceeding their limits. That is when darkness strikes. When someone you love, is in trouble and your are helpless. Darkness strikes. When greed enters your heart. Darkness strikes. The void are summoned, whisper sweet promises. Just to steal your soul. But what if.. your soul can be saved if your sacrifice anothers in your stead. What would you do then?
The Promise of Sekkar/ The Curse of SekkarIn return for power. One must sacrifice something of blood and heart.
They must trick
Lead with Trust
Lure in hate
In return for feeding my Lust
In return for feeding my Envy
Flesh of your flesh, blood of your blood
Made of Bone, their power shall be yours.
If thy shall not complete,
then tied to thee they will be
Sharing thy death, Sharing thy pain
All will be stolen till thy deal is made
One with love
Other in envy
Both end in misery.Consequences Rhoktua enduresIf challenged one must fight.Physical fights cause twice the damage. Losing mean physical pain, where body slowly dies ripping itself to shreds, by shifting of skin. The curse because active in trying to Kill Rhoktua, so that the contract can be completed. ** Solution** Drink poison, that will shut off nerves, and putting her close to death. Only to be revived ten seconds before heart stops. This includes two poisons. New Note: Poison Parasite. Feeds off poisons. Consuming poison, keeps it calm. It Keeps it form rampaging in Rhoktua's body.Physical activities : Such as running for long periods of time, causes physical pain and activates the curse.


Height: 5'9
Weight: 180
Body type: Plus sized, Curvy- Bottom heavy, pear shaped body.
Skin: Soft Dark Grey-Green sheen
Eye: toxic neon green, slit pupils
Hair: Wavy waist length, black hair
Special: eight inch long, green tongue. Tribal piercing: bull ring, moon crest nipple piercings, moon crest navel piercing, horn decoration. Rhoktua has snake like features with freckled patterned scales stretched across her body.
Hobbies: Books, potion making, poisons, walking her pet snakes, making experiments, and using people as lab rats, smoking medicinal herbs. Growing weird plants.
Favorite: Food is Spicy Buuz, Flower are Peony and Lavenders, favorite color Purple, green- because of poison and Red-because of blood, favorite pass time is singing and studying new poisons. People with sunshine personalities. Protective personalities, Chaotic Personalities.
Hates: Weak people like herself, bullying, timid people, those who can't stand up for themselves, Hugs, ugly shoes,clothes or accessories.Personality: Calm and Collected, A Tsundere with a Snarky and Antagonist attitude. Narcissistic


** Standard** There is a suspicious looking Auri, eyeing people with a cursed smile on her face. What is she planning? What is she thinking about. Right when you think that, You feel the eyes, of someone looking at you, as if stalking your every move. You feel a shiver down your spin, and when you look to see it might be. Those neon green eyes, that look like those of a snake stare back at you.Dotharl Khaa: if your a Dotharl! You can approach Rhoktua as if you know her. Maybe you noticed her green eyes, or scales that looks familiar. She was known, for her cursed looking scales, and serpentine eyes. She was also known for poisonous pranks. Headcanon: Her Baba (( Gramma/everyone calls her Baba )) Is a well known Elder, and Shaman. She also has the sight, which passed on to Rhoktua. Rhoktua is supposed to be the next Elder to identify souls of Dotharl.Steppe: The Name Rhoktua Dotharl is known as the snake of Sadu. The name would be passed down, through some tribes, who fought the Dotharls constantly. She had a hand in the Hotgo tribes demise. Her poisons were used, to smoke them out, she didn't know it was to decimate a whole tribe.
The Mankhad are wary of her. As her poisons are even coveted by them. They killed her in a life cycle for those poisons.
Her toxic colored eyes and shape resembling a snake, are what people now her by.
Witch: " You came to me for a reason Darling. What can I do for you?" Granting Wishes, Guiding a lost soul, Potions include: Love , Sleeping, healing, Ether, Silence, glamouring/transformation, Poisons. Weapon buffs, Magical, Melee.Making Creams, and talisman, Wards, and Tokens.Animals: Did You hear hissing from her sleeves? tends to have snakes in her sleeves. Maybe you seen it while walking past? Or maybe the snake jumped out to bite you injecting, venom.Poison: Your someone who works with death. You know something toxic, when your smell it. Rhoktua smells of different poisons.Maybe she might be able to make something for you. Or maybe cure you, of it. Also know she is immune to most and all poisons. Any new poison will only take slight affect, based on Rng.Voidsent You felt something unsettling as you walk past. Maybe her scaley sharp claws, and arms caught your eye. Maybe You seen the dark aether eating her own. Or maybe she just reminds you of a friend/family member who was tainted. Attacking her because of it, is okay. Ask though, if want to leave permenant damage.